Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Worst Spring Fever Ever

So I know that I am just a smidge early but I feel like I have the worst case of Spring Fever. The snow is melting little by little but not fast enough. I have heard of things like this before but never experienced it myself. It is horrible. I am usually tolerant of the winter until it goes away but I NEED sunshine and warmth. I NEED some kind of outside activity for me and the boys. Life was so much funner when we went to the park every morning. I even miss (heaven forbid I admit missing being in a swimsuit) going swimming with the family on family night. We could still go but it was so much fun going in the summer. It was warmer, we could go outside and swim too and it wasn't a mad dash to get to the car before your hair and snot freezes. So this is my rant about spring not coming fast enough and even though I wish it would it wont even help. Oh well............................................

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