Sunday, September 20, 2009

Date night was very delayed

So as we were getting ready to go out and Xander was playing in our room and watching us get dressed. First we got some news that a very close family friend had just lost her battle with cancer and other illnesses. Then Xander jumped right on Zigen and his bad knee and right as he turned to warn Xander they collided and Zigen got his nose. So we put the date on hold and made a quick run to the instacare. a quick clean up some antibiotic cream, a prescription, and a band-aid and we were out the door. We finally got out a little late but we did get something small to eat tried to go to temple square, went to the top of the world and came home. Not the night I had hoped of but still we had some time out of the house and alone. Sometimes that's the best that we get and sometimes I am totally okay with that.

So windy on the top of the world

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