Thursday, August 19, 2010


So it is now the end of the week and it has been a really bad last couple of weeks. Now it is Thursday and the end of the week and it is starting to look really good. The boys are both napping, this is Jimmy's friday and then on Saturday morning we are going to go to the farmers market downtown and do something fun with the boys. It looks like its going to be a great weekend. Ever since we have changed the way we eat and the activities with the boys they have been so good. Xander has changed into a normal, sweet, patient, obedient, loving little boy and big brother. I finally remember the way he used to be and remember all the patience and love that I used to have. I feel like a good mommy again. We are looking forward to Maddys 2nd birthday party and starting to potty train both of the boys. I think we are going to have a big change and train both at once. They work really well together and everything that Xander does Maddy wants to follow. So I figure "Why Not? Kill 2 birds with 1 stone." 2 for the price of 1 is always a good deal right? 

I also just wanted to say thank you to our family and the help that they have given us even though we technically are not family. We have been loved and treated like family and even better then some of our family. We love you our FAMILY. Grandma, Grandpa, and Auntie Shawnee and of course our Lily boo. Thank you and we love you. 

1 comment:

Harris Family said...

So I'm sooo happy for you!!!! Eating healthy changes everything!!! You need to go to the library and check out Food Inc. You will LOVE it!!! Think about it... Would you rather spend 18% of your budget on medical and 3% on food or spend 3% of your income on medicsl issues and %20 on food??!! I'd rather spend it on food. I've buying more organic too.

As for the potty--- that's awesome. Keep up with it and be consistant!!! Make them wipe up the poop with baby wipes and they won't want to poop on the floor any more. We are starting max in underwear all day and he is doing good. Definently not pretty!!!

I'm so glad you are doing good!!! We love and miss you!!!